Sunday, October 19, 2008

Peggy Sue's Dinner

Brian went to bed at 8:30 pm on Saturday the 18th and the rest of us stayed up as late as we could. Brooklynn only made it to 11, Ashlynn made it to 1:30 am and Austin didn't go to sleep until we got on to the freeway at 3:30 am. Brian then put in his headphones and began to drive while the rest of us slept. I had to wake up to put gas in the car in Cedar City but I then went back to sleep. We all woke up just in time to fret that we weren't going to find gas before it ran out but in our search to find the gas station we found this little dinner called Peggy Sue's Dinner in Yermo, CA. We ordered a pizza for lunch. We also walked around and saw the metal dinosaurs (free to look at) and on our way out of there we stopped at the ice cream parlor and had ice cream. The kids thought this was really fun and it was a nice break from the car. We then finished the rest of the 2 1/2 hour drive that was left to the hotel and just hung out around the hotel that night in Carlsbad.
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