Saturday, June 19, 2010

Another update x 6 entrees. :)

I sure wish I could stay on top of this blogging thing and I bet all of you do too but this summer has been to much fun to find time everyday to blog! I will try to be better but here are 6 more posts from the last couple of weeks.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Off to the Zoo we Go!

So we decided to get another Zoo membership this year. And after having our membership for over a month and not going, I decided that we need to go. So we headed over to the zoo for a few hours. This was Joslynn's first trip to the zoo and it was fun to watch her curiosity. This was also our first time getting to see the new baby elephant. For some reason I expected her to be bigger than she was but, her being even smaller than I was thinking make her all the more adorable. Also, for some reason at the beginning of this week Ashlynn started in that she wanted to ride a elephant. I am not sure why? Maybe it was because she had helped me order our membership on line? But whatever the reason, on this day she got her wish. It was pretty fun to watch her get so excited that she got to ride on a elephant. So minus the heat and the little bit of stress it was to get a double stroller and a wheel chair into the back of my car overall it was a fun trip to the zoo as a family.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I am not really a bad mom?

It was brought to my attention that my 10 month old baby still didn't hold her own bottle. It really had not crossed my mind at all. Feeding Joslynn a bottle is one of the times that I get to hold her and spend time with her so I just didn't push the issue. So I decided to see if she would hold her bottle and she refused as long as I was holding her but, the second I laid her on the floor she very willingly to hold her bottle. So I guess I am not as bad of a mom as I thought I was. :)
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Monday, June 14, 2010

What do you do if you are a bunch of Neighborhood Girlfriends on a Summer day?

Well fist you all get a baby doll, a snack, and a bike or a scoter and then you go set on the curb and chat! :)
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Brooklynn Lost Her First Tooth!

So Brooklynn's tooth has been loose for over a month and she won't wiggle it. I have tried to wiggle it for her but it was just a little to stuck for her comfort of pulling it out. So we have left it alone. Until the other morning she came into my room freaking out because she tire to open one of the toy machine eggs with her teeth and it popped that tooth forward. :) All I could do was laugh. She wasn't very happy about it at first but with a little more wiggling and a couple good yanks :). The tooth was out! She is very proud of it now and tells everyone she can that she lost her first tooth. :)
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Friday, June 11, 2010

Joslynn's Fun Game & Aren't Sisters Great?

This is Joslynn's Fun game! All you have to say to her is "Where is she?" and instantly her hands go to her head, face or sometimes eyes. Then you say "Their she is!" and she gets all excited and moves her hands. It is so cute. This is her version of peek a boo. Sometimes she will say boo but most of the time she just smiles really big and puts her hands back on her head and says "Where is she?" to us. :)

What are sisters for? For fixing your hair of course. Well at least that is what Ashlynn thinks. She didn't ask Brooklyn or me she ask her brother if she could do his hair. After a couple of curling iron passes he was done. I am sure at times like this he wishes he had a brother. :)
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