Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Park City / Safety Fair

Every year for as long as Brian can remember his family goes up to park city for Labor Day weekend. We haven’t stayed over for a few years because of the kids but it is fun to go up for a day during the weekend. This year was kinda strange to not have Brian’s parents there this year because they are on a mission and this year Brian’s brother Gene was the only one that stayed over. So when we went up for the day we got to spend some time with just his family. It was a lot of fun to eat at the standard Jakes Shakes for dinner, go up and ride the rides, and then go back to get Shakes from Jakes Shakes and then go play some games back at the condo until the kids got to tired. Sometimes it is hard for me to get myself out the door for things like this with our young children but I am so glad I do when I look back at all the great memories we made.

At Austin’s school they had a Safety Fair and we went over to see what it was all about. The kids learned all about how to ride safely and how to use hand signals. It was pretty funny they asked the kids what side of the road they should ride on and they all said, the side walk. I guess we will have to go to the safety fair here in a few years when they don’t have the boundaries of a sidewalk. :) They also got to look at a fire truck, look through a ambulance, receive a woods cross police badge from McGruff the dog, and get fire hats from the fire fighters. The kids were a little leery of McGruff but all in all they had a great time.

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Michele said...

looks like fun, we were in park city for labor day weekend also! and thanks so much for your sweet comment. you are so nice kristi... we have loved this ward and appreciate the love and support from people like you and brian.

Katie said...

We went to Park City the weekend before and stayed over, it was so much fun! Looks like you guys had fun as well!
We missed the safety fair again this year, maybe we'll make it next time.

Jana Banana said...

I want to go to Park City too :) Looks like tons of fun!

We missed you yesterday- and thank you so much for the balloons and yummy treats (my favorite by the way)!!

Turner said...

Dinner would be great with you guys on of these nights.
Your blog is rad.

Marla B said...

I'm glad you made it to the safety fair. We were off track, so it was out of mind! pictures were cute-as always!

The Hood's said...

Sounds like you guys had a great time in Park City. Sam was pretty bummed that Austin was going there instead of coming here to jump on the tramp. Oh well! They don't think that they ever spend enough time together!