Monday, August 18, 2008

My not so little guy started school

Ok so I know like Lindsey said it is the first day of the rest of his life and I also know that I am suppose to be happy and so excited that Austin is growing up and starting school but I have to tell you that this has not been the easiest thing to deal with. I have cried over it many times. It seems like he was just a baby yesterday and now he is all grown up and going to school. I am so proud of how brave Austin has been. He loves school and has wanted me to drop him off after one visit. He obviously doesn’t need me and I am glad that he is prepared to go on his own but my heart is being broken apart. I know he will do great but it makes me sad that I will see him less and less every year from here on out. It really makes me think about the time I spend with my kids. Life really is too short. I need to hold on to every minute because before I know it my kids will be all grown up and gone.

When I picked Austin up I ask him what he did today and all he could tell me was that he couldn’t remember. But as the day went on he told me a few things he did do during the day. One of the funnies things he said was; my teacher said: “We are not suppose to say, TEACHER, TEACHER, TEACHER, we are suppose to raise our hand and wait to be called on”. After hearing this I hoped that Mrs. Jessee was just letting the kids know how to talk to her and that Austin didn’t do this. :-/ But I am almost sure that that is probably not true and Austin was probably showing all the kids how not to talk to the teacher. I guess we all have to learn, right?

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Jen said...

I love the "Teacher, teacher, teacher" thing because I can totally see Leah doing that. I can't believe he's in Kindergarten. I appreciate what you said about enjoying your children and spending time with them. I find myself wishing time away too often.

Jen said...

I can't believe he is in Kindergarten I totally understand being upset I cried when I had to go back to work after having Kaden.

Kevin and Jamie said...

I dont know if you remember me, its Jamie Gasik from SLCC? I knew you and brian when you first met? I came across your blog by accident when i was searching for another blog and couldnt believe that it was the same brian and kristi that I knew from like six years ago! I actually had a class with your mom about a year ago too, its a small world! your family is adorable, and I am so happy to see how great you guys are doing!

Marla B said...

Tell me more! I wondered how the first day went!! It is exciting! i am just bummed we are off track! I loved hearing about kindergarten, & all the little things!! share all the fun things he tells you! homework, recess, PE/Music!! I LOVE IT!!
a few kids in my neighborhood are in his class, afternoon right? ask him if he's met mitch(ell) or brett yet?
have fun.

The Hood's said...

Hope he keeps liking school, if not, Sam would be happy to have him stay home and play!