In this trip we (me and the kids) went to the zoo with Jen, Kaden, Tanner, and Logan. It was quite an adventure with three kids each but we made it, however not without some craziness. :) As we were looking in the red panda’s cage Ashlynn decided to swipe Brooklynn’s head and send her hat falling to the bottom of it. Of course it has to be Brooklynn that this happens to and instantly the tears come because her hat is in the cage. For some reason I got lucky and they had groups of kids all over the zoo that day with tour guides so I quickly ask one of them if they could call for help. Unfortunately the red panda did not want to corporate and leave his outside cage so that the workers could get it out so we ended up leaving the hat to go finish the zoo experience hoping that they would get it out by the time we were done. Lucky for us they did get it out and had it waiting at guest services at the front of the zoo. Also during this trip we saw the zebras fighting over a bin in their cage and being a mom tied to take advantage of it and say, "see they must be brother and sister they shouldn't fight like that they should share", or maybe they are brother and brother saying it to Jen's boys and then Jen said "or maybe they are Husband and wife". Now every time I see the zebra's I think about this trip and them fighting like a husband and wife. :) It was a tone of fun to take this trip with a best friend from the past and let our kids play together. We will have to get together again soon.
In this trip to the zoo we (me and the kids) went with Alexis and Ryan only days before they moved to California. I am so glad that we got a few minutes to make these memories. Ryan was so cute crawling all over the stroller. I can’t wait to see them in November.
In this trip to the zoo we all went with the Bennett’s. It was a night time trip and so that meant that the guys could come with us also. It was a lot of fun to go as a family and enjoy each other’s company.
Thanks for going with us guys!
In this trip to the zoo we (me and the kids) went with Amber, Caitlyn, and Lydia. It had been a few months since we had seen these guys and you can tell by the way Brooklynn was acting that she was so happy to have a friend her age. Brooklynn and Caitlyn held hands almost the whole time it was so cute. We actually went to the bird show during this trip and sat on the front row. It kept the attention of the kids for most of the time. It was fun to get some really good close up’s of the birds. Thanks for going with us let’s not wait so long to get together next time.