Saturday, June 7, 2008

Six Years

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful man at my side. We have reached six years and I am amazed at how fast the time went by, although there were times when it sure didn’t seem to go by that fast :) . There is not a day that goes by that Brian doesn’t tell me that I am perfect the way that I am. I am so grateful to have someone at my side that fights my battles with me and is there in all the ups and downs of life. Who would have known six years ago that we would have come this far? I am sure if you would have asked us we would have never been able to tell you all the great things to come: three kids, a home, 2 cars, Brian would graduate, and the many other things of our wonderful life. There have been ups and downs and I am glad that it has been with my wonderful husband. So here is to more great years to come!

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Melissa said...

Congrats on 6 years! I totally agree that time flies. I hope your anniversary is a great one!

Jana Banana said...

I love that picture- you guys look so young! You still look young, but you know what I mean :)

Congrats and have a happy anniversary!

Thanks for the hug today when I needed it :) See ya!

Brittany said...

Congratulations! That is so fun to think how long you have been married, Time flies when you are havin fun!!

You have a cute blog, I like looking at all of the pictures! I love the one of Brooklyn eating corn for breakfast....hilarious!