Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No more bouncer for Joslynn & The dog kennel out back...

No more bouncer for us. I put Joslynn down for a nap and with in just a few min I could hear her talking really loud threw the monitor. So I went into check on her and found her setting in the bouncer with the monitor in her hand talking into it. She always wants to play with the monitor all the time but I always move it away because I don't want her to chew on the cord and ruin it or get hurt. Dang smart kid, just wait until mom leaves the room and then you can play with it. :)

Within just minutes of finding Joslynn setting in her bouncer this is what I saw as I looked out the kitchen window. There is a dog kennel out back of the rental house we are living in and I had wondered how long it would take before someone climb in it or locked someone in it and today was the day. Only they weren't being mean to each other they were having a great time pretending to be locked up. That would be my silly kids.
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