Sunday, June 29, 2008

A short, but fun trip up to Soap Stone Campground

We met up with my family for an afternoon where they were camping. I just couldn’t bring myself to stay over this year. Who knows maybe next year I will have more ambition. Three kids is a lot of work when it comes to going on outings. The kids loved to play by the stream that ran by the campground and as always Austin had a heyday fishing and playing with the dogs. Brooklynn just likes to wander around and look at things and Ashlynn was just cranky because of her two teeth that are coming in so she just wanted to be in the shade. We stopped at Provo River Falls on the way home. It was really beautiful. The girls fell asleep on the way there so they stayed in the car and Brian took all the pictures so that is why he is not in any of them.
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Marla B said...

Your summer looks great! Glad to see you are having fun and keeping busy! Blog looks good!

The Hood's said...

Looks like you guys had a great time (except for the teething)! Your pictures make me homesick for the mountains! I can't wait until we can get back! All in due time. P.S. I love the new background on your blog!